OpenSSL Commands I Don't Want To Forget

I followed this guide for setting up my public key infrastructure.

Some openssl commands I use semi-regularly that I don't want to forget.

Create a root certifcate: openssl req -new -config etc/root-ca.conf -out ca/root-ca.csr -keyout ca/root-ca/private/root-ca.key

Sign the root certificate (with itself): openssl ca -selfsign -config etc/root-ca.conf -in ca/root-ca.csr -out ca/root-ca.crt -extensions root_ca_ext

Create an CSR for the intermediate certificate: openssl req -new -config etc/signing-ca.conf -out ca/signing-ca.csr -keyout ca/signing-ca/private/signing-ca.key

Sign it with the root certificate: openssl ca -config etc/root-ca.conf -in ca/signing-ca.csr -out ca/signing-ca.crt -extensions signing_ca_ext

Create an SSL certificate: SAN=DNS:* openssl req -new -config etc/server.conf -out certs/ -keyout certs/

Sign it with the intermediate certificate: openssl ca -config etc/signing-ca.conf -in certs/ -out certs/ -extensions server_ext